Thursday, November 22, 2012

Little Brown Church In The Vale!

Hello My Friends,

Last Sunday our family bundled up and joined my father on a speaking engagement at a little church in Dixonville. Dixonville is a small town about a half an hour outside Peace River, it’s the first time I had been there. The jewel of the community was this lovely, little, brown, log, church in the middle of the town. I was in love as soon as I saw it. Picture a small, chocolate brown building, a red, brick chimney, shovelled walking paths, and fluffy snow dusting the top of its roof and the trees that surround it… lovely. The service was short but sweet. After the service the congregation invited us back for a lunch that they had prepared, sandwiches, coffee, and pie. The children held a little competition where they competed for prizes and medals. The competition was also held to raise funds for a charity that provides surgery for children in need. I felt such a sense of community there, it was refreshing. It brought such sweet memories of my childhood; times spent playing and enjoying the small things of life. It was a great reminder to put away grudges, politics, and pettiness. Instead enjoy each other and do good for your neighbor. It also reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from Peanuts “A hug is better than all the theology in the world.” Take some time this week to give someone a hug: a real, long lasting, no strings attached, hug.

The Hounds Of Winter By: Sting

A Thought To Make You Smile:
The smell of chimney smoke catching your nose when you're out for an evening stroll. 

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